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Dodgeball Club at VCU
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Cardinal Rule: VCU Falls to SVSU
Sunday April 17th marked the last day of Nationals, and the start of the final tournament to determine the best team in all the land. ...
Nationals Day 1: VCU Dodgeball is here to Stay
Flash back to April of last year, when the Club Dodgeball team at VCU brought a 13 person squad to the National Tournament in Western...
Through My Eyes: The Development of VCU Dodgeball
Introduction A long time ago after the annual Chick-fil-A dodgeball tournament in Richmond, VA, my best friend Micheal Tse and I were...
VCU Gears Up for Nationals
There is less than one week left until the National Collegiate Dodgeball Association's (NCDA) main event, Nationals. This year, the...
I Rise Meets Club Dodgeball
It was not long ago that the Club Dodgeball team at VCU was an organization that was struggling to gain traction and find a fresh start. ...
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