Road to Success: Retention

So you've pulled off some savvy recruiting skills and are in a good position to start the year. Great. Now the next question is, how do you keep people around? It is important to understand that players have joined your team for one of two reasons: the social aspect, or the dodgeball aspect. I'm sure that sounds kind of weird, but what it means is that people are here either to socialize and meet new people and try new things, or they want to carry out their athletic lifestyle and play on a legitimate club sport. If you can satisfy both of those needs, then there is no reason you can't keep most of your team for the season. Here are some of my thoughts and opinions about how you retain the core of your team:
Host Team Events Off The Court
I know this is going to sound weird to many of you, but you don't have to just do dodgeball stuff. Sure the word "dodgeball" is probably in your team's name, but don't limit your options. As I said, there is a social side to your dodgeball team, and doing things off the dodgeball court can be just as important as what you do on it. This can include things like team parties, study sessions, or even playing other sports together. Bonding off the court will allow you to work better as a team on the court by developing trust and understanding one another. Additionally, for any players that might struggle a little when it comes to playing dodgeball, now is their chance to be on more equal footing, and not feel like they are being judged for being a weaker player.
Hold Intra-squad Scrimmages & Tournaments
An intra-squad scrimmage is just when you have games between your own teammates. This can be done as either Varsity versus JV, evenly matched teams, or any combination that you want. Realistically, you probably already do this in practice, satisfying the scrimmage part. If you request to reserve your gym for just a couple hours on a free weekend and play like a legitimate tournament, it'll give a chance for all players to get a tournament experience, while at the same time developing chemistry with other players. This will also be great opportunity to see who has truly been improving, and to see who might be able to handle playing in actual tournaments.
And for those who might not be ready yet...
Guarantee Everyone Will Get A Chance To At Least Play One Game For JV
This is something that may be a little bit harder to implement, but if you have the opportunity it is something you should strongly consider. Even though JV matches do not count from a record standpoint, they are important nonetheless. It is an opportunity for players to develop at an easier pace, and grants them an opportunity to prove themselves. By getting some real exposure against other teams, it also rewards the efforts of players that have been coming to practice continuously and allows them the chance to travel and meet new people. One of the best parts about this league is the respect everyone has for each other and the friendships that can be made across any state borders. This leads me to my next point.
Encourage Mingling With Other Teams
Not everyone is a social butterfly, that's fine. But there are not many opportunities to connect with people from across the country who have a common interest as you. Mingling with other teams and players helps you grow your circle of friends as well as a potential professional network. By developing friendships with players from further away, it also helps encourage people to stay because dodgeball becomes their only outlet to see that other individual.
Now for my last point,
Simple point and easier said than done, but at the end of the day, this is a competitive sport like any other. Competition can bring out the best and worst of us, but more than likely the best if you are winning on the court. Everyone wants to feel like their time and effort leads to something rewarding, winning is that reward.